The Sehatpedia app has an interactive consultation (live chat) feature and provides access to health articles, medical journals and health policies.
Last month, Indonesia’s Ministry of Health announced the launch of their Sehatpedia app to facilitate the public’s access to health information. The app (currently only available on Android platforms) has an interactive consultation (live chat) feature and provides access to health articles, medical journals and health policies. Users can also register for outpatient appointments through the app but this is only limited to hospitals under the MOH.
With the live chat feature, the public can consult doctors on health information needs such as disease complaints, health tips, and other medical consultations.
“Sehatpedia can be accessed by all Indonesian people. Physicians from 32 vertical hospitals of the MOH will respond to the consultation queries,” said Secretary of the Directorate General of Health Services, Dr. Agus Hadian Rahim, Sp.OT (K), M.Epid, MH. Kes.
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In terms of the content for health articles, Sehatpedia is assisted by three communities: Health for Junior Indonesia (Kejora), which produces health articles relevant for young children, GARASI KITA community, and the FKG UI Teaching Staff Association.
According to the MOH, about 8000 people have downloaded the app as of mid-February 2019.
Date: March 20, 2019
Source: HealthcareITNews